Monday, November 21, 2005

Music: Response

I think it's bit weird that having bought music online for the first time recently I find that I'm buying very different stuff than usual. An alarming proportion of my modest purchases are classified as Dance, Electronic or Dance/Electronic. The nearest I've ever come to this genre(s) was when I bought a DIG album mistakenly located in the dance section of HMV.

Now I suppose you *could* dance to DIG, but for it to look even slightly cool you'd have to be either a giant sloth or perhaps a 5 year-old on red cordial for the more frantic tracks.

So, I'm now legally in posession of a couple of the works of The Chemical Brothers, Massive Attack and Daft Punk. Mostly I've been inspired by the latter, and what I believe may well be the coolest video ever made. I'm speaking here of Robot Rock.

Before I jump into the illegal screen shots, let me set the scene..

Robot....Rock. Okay, two concepts of great merit there.

Robots...who Rock. Still good. A logical extension of the above.

The robots in the clip are two guys dressed as robots in a slightly unconvincing manner. That is, they are wearing chrome-plated motorbike helmets, leathers and shiny gloves.

Now the best bits. Part of the stage looks like a bracelet with spikes on it. Good good.
Oh, and one of the "robots" plays a double necked guitar!!! Oh yes!

Now I've prepared you, here are a few poor quality screen grabs:

Robot playing drums. Shiny.

Robot playing world's coolest guitar.

Section of stage shaped like spikey bracelet!!

This is where the guitar says "Robot. Rock." So cool. So, so cool...

Daft Punk are the masters. Take concept, execute, concept nailed.

So I happily paid for the right to look at this clip, a useful remedy for stress and general lethargy.

Around the World: brilliant.

I still don't get that one with the dog guy though.. A few too many Roquefort pizzas before bedtime perhaps.

Only thing left that I don't understand is exactly why people in Australia must pay 25% more than people in the US for the same product delivered in the same manner. Something, people, is not quite right.


At 4:36 pm, Blogger Corinoco said...

iTunes does seem to be a very efficient way of parting you from your money.

It doesn't quite have some of the very strange stuff I wanted (Samantha Fox's latest album? I'm going to hell for that one.) though I did get the latest Enya album, which I am still going to buy hardcopy anyway. Hmmph. Oh, and some compliation ambient album which sounded nice. Ka-ching $37. Yep, we pay more than US (we are less important people, and goog little lap-dog slaves) but it is less than a CD. The annoying thing is that a real CD will cost 50% more, for little or no reason.

Today's magic word is uktcn

And Robot Rock - I thought Kraftwerk invented that?

At 12:57 am, Blogger Bear said...

Kraftwerk did do the whole robot thing, and very cool it was too. Daft Punk on the other hand, have progressed the genre by not trying to move like robots or anything, just like a couple of guys in suits. It's the halfheartedness I respect..

A little bit like how a Godzilla monster battle as a CGI exercise is far less entertaining than the Two Guys In Rubber Suits Trash Toy Tokyo scenario..


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